

  • Short talk "A"ssessing ageing in the wild, getting help from Smurfs" at the DrosEU conference in Lisbon..
  • Invited talk Global Conference on Gerophysics
  • Invited talk BLAM – the annual meeting at the Department of Biology "Studying ageing using flies"
  • 2024

  • Invited talk 44th Annual Meeting of the French Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology "Etudier le vieillissement suivant un modèle biphasique"
  • video (french)

  • Invited talk by Bacillus, Environnement et Santé, Sophia - Agrobiotech "Studying ageing as a two-phase process"
  • 8th scientific days of the CRRPSA "The last 1000 days" invited talk "Predict impending death from natural causes"
  • IHPST Workshop talk "Studying ageing as a two-phase process""
  • EMBO Workshop talk "Developmental circuits in aging"
  • IHPST Workshop talk "Studying ageing as a two-phase process""
  • 2023

  • Ageing workshop talk EDRC "Studying ageing as a two phases process: into Smurfness"
  • abstract : The phenomenon of aging has traditionally been viewed as a gradual and continuous process impacting individuals over time. Over the past three decades, studies have observed a discernible age-related rise in systemic chronic inflammation or oxidative stress-induced damages amongst many other “hallmarks of ageing”. Nonetheless, even within genetically homogeneous populations, such as those found in our model organisms, there exists substantial heterogeneity in individual mortality outcomes. By exploring this inherent heterogeneity, we propose a novel perspective on the mechanisms underpinning aging through a two-phase model, as revealed by the Smurf test. This approach offers a fresh lens through which to examine the fundamental processes driving aging.

  • Invited speaker at colloquium “expanding evolutionary theories of ageing to take into account symbioses and interactions throughout the web of life”. 2nd edition ""Some thoughts on the debates about the programmed vs non programmed nature of ageing"

  • Invited speaker Conférence Jacques Monod "Two phases to better understand ageing"
  • 2022

  • Keynote Immune surveillance in the ageing microenvironment conference "Two phases to better understand ageing"
  • Le regard d'un chercheur en biologie: pourrait-on un jour prédire notre mort? - Séminaire d'Ethique Clinique (APHP)
  • 2019

  • Enjeux éthiques et sociétaux de la prédiction de la mort - Plateforme Nationale de Recherche sur la Fin de Vie
  • video (french)