experimental Deconvolving ageing Characterizing the end-of-life Smurf transcriptome to better understand ageing by deconvolving processes involved in physiological and chronological ageing. SNP in lifespan Predicting the impact of SNPs on longevity Measuring individuals' biological time How to build an artificial clock giving us access to the biological time passing in an individual? Gene networks in the Smurf transition Testing the Network Theory of Ageing using the Smurf-based two-phase ageing model. BlueRéa clinical trial Assessing. Smurfs in mice Assessing the two-phase ageing model conservation in Mus musculus Ageing in the wild Can we find Smurfs in natural populations and what would this tell us about ageing? theoretical Ethics of mortality prediction Studying the societal impact of the Smurf model applied to humans Ageing's evolutionary advantages How to explain the broad presence of two phases of ageing amongst living organisms?